
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chinease theory of discovery of America Essay

There are many theories or ideas on who discovered America first. Many people believe it was Christopher Columbus, the Vikings, or in my case some believe that the Chinese arrived here before Columbus. It is believed by some people that Chinese sailors beat Columbus to America by more than 70 years. Anthropologists, archaeologists, historians and linguists have debunked or out ruled much of the evidence that has been gathered over the years to support this theory. It has been named the 1421 Theory. It is said that sometime 10,000 years ago, the people from China are believed to have crossed over the Bering land bridge from Siberia to what is now Alaska. From there, they are believed to have spread out over the course of millennia. Once they got here they started diverging genetically and populating North and South America. The problem is that the only real evidence they have is maps and some artifacts, which from carbon dating trace back to 2200 B. C. These generally have been found on the coasts of Florida, South Carolina, New York and Canada. Many people believe this theory due to evidence found, like artifacts and maps. Also many people were convinced by books written by scientists, archeologists, and historians. One of these books is 1421: The Year China Discovered America, by Gavin Menzies. It is said that he tells and describes the theory so well. I do believe that it could be possible that China arrived here before Columbus but there are many holes in the theory according to some historians. But over all I do not believe that they beat columbus to the Americas. There just isn’t enough proof and any kind of written or physical evidence to show or prove to me in any way that they were for sure here about 70 years before Christopher Columbus. So I would have to turn down this theory due to the lack of proof given. Citations â€Å"Chinese cartography: China beat Columbus to it, perhaps | The Economist. † The Economist – World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. . Clark, Josh. â€Å"HowStuffWorks â€Å"Did the Chinese beat Columbus to America? â€Å". † HowStuffWorks â€Å"History†. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. . Kolesnikov-Jessop, Sonia. â€Å"Did Chinese beat out Columbus? – The New York Times. † The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. .

A Critique of Theoretical Models

In How to help people change, Dr. Jay Adams (1986) does not present a model of counseling per se. Instead, he provides an analysis, better yet and interpretation 2 Timothy 3:16. The interpretation is presented definitively as the sole method of acceptable counseling from a Christian and biblical context. One major flaw in his work is the underlying theological presupposition that only Christian people utilizing the framework he outlines can offer a process for counseling that results in what he calls acceptable change. Another unreasonable position held by Adams is the idea that change is only acceptable if it is â€Å"toward God† (p. 6).While this is certainly true in regards to salvation and the biblical directive to be a living sacrifice before God (NASB, Romans 12:1), even Jesus acknowledged that both the righteous and the unrighteous live under some measure of God’s grace and benefit (Matthew 5:45). It is unsustainable to hold a position that unredeemed persons are not able to observe God’s purpose and design in humanity and offer some level of help, in the context of counseling, even if it is not totally in alignment with God’s Word. I admire Adams stance and value on Scripture.In his book, he presents a view of the Bible that is an essential inhabitant of the Judeo-Christian worldview and value system. Nevertheless, he does not allow for elements of God’s truth to be discovered or evaluated from a perspective outside of the pages of Scripture. Adams says that â€Å"if it is a truth that is necessary to counseling, it will be found already in a purer form in the Bible† (p. 39). Honestly, one nearly has to reject intellectual credibility to formulate this type of statement because the Bible simply does not address a lot of issues tackled in the therapeutic sessions today.I wonder what would be Adam’s solution for a client’s disorderly and unrestrained sexual addictive behavior. The first solution woul d be to direct them to the Bible verses that as a Christian, they already know. Another solution would be to remind them that they should be reading the Bible and praying more than ever. In reality, if neither of those approaches work, then the nouthetic counseling approach would conclude that a person is one whom God has turned over to their own â€Å"degrading passions† (NASB, Romans 1: 26) thus breaking fellowship with them.Logically, one could see and would reason that sexual addictive behavior is rooted in an intimacy disorder, therefore once that is understood, biblical principles and theological understandings should under-gird the counselor’s approach to helping a counselee work towards healthy healing with the dilemma. According to Adams (1986), â€Å"†¦people must first hear the gospel, believe, and be saved† (p. 12). Seriously, this cannot be the first step in a counseling model. I believe that it would be a desired goal and that it could even be the best.Conversely, the counselor must meet a person where he or she is in life. Furthermore, it may be that a therapeutic relationship of trust must be built before the counselor even has an opportunity to introduce the idea of a relationship with Christ. In addition, even though it sounds unspiritual to say, the counselor must accept that some people are able to adjust and live well as non-Christian persons. They may not end up going to Heaven, but we cannot deny that some non-Christians live seemingly fulfilled lives.Dr. William Backus and Marie Chapian (2000) offer a good biblically based cognitive-behavior resource for dealing with feeling based concerns where cognitive awareness exists or is readily accessible in their book Telling Yourself the Truth. In addition, this writing provides a good dialogue about a Christian perspective concerning a person’s self-worth. However, there are some basic flaws in the model of Christian counseling as presented by Backus and Chapi an.It is not acceptable to present the concept of â€Å"attitude† as if it only involves cognition (p. 16). In addition, Backus and Chapian offers a very simplistic understanding regarding triggers. It is doubtful that a counselor who works with persons involved in addictive behavior and sexual brokenness concerns would agree with Backus and Chapian’s etiology of self-hate. The most troublesome aspect of this model is their idea that â€Å"misbeliefs are the direct cause of emotional turmoil and maladaptive behavior† (p. 17).This statement alone demonstrates that Backus and Chapian do not understand developmental processes and that their perception concerning the impending impact of childhood experiences is feeble, at best. It is almost an absurdity to conclude that the primordial mental representations, including feelings, which are the basis for the characterological development of a person, language and socialization, are â€Å"caused by what we tell ourselv es about our circumstances† (p. 17). Even with such flaws, it is agreed that Backus and Chapian’s model is useful in a cognitive-behavioral context concerning many adult concerns.In positioning their model of counseling as more appropriate than secular methods, Backus and Chapian state that â€Å"many excellent scientific investigations have demonstrated that it is entirely unnecessary to uncover the childhood antecedents of current behaviors in order to change them† (p. 25). However, there was no citation or reference provided to document existence of such scientific studies. Consistent with Adams, Backus and Chapian ascribe to the theological position that â€Å"Jesus taught that the truth has freeing power† (p. 181).However, Jesus actually said, â€Å"You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free† (NASB, John 8:32). While Jesus was referring to His spoken word, it is also important to remember that according to John 1:1, Jesus is the Word and the context of John 8:32 presents Jesus as the light of the world. Both writings overemphasize the importance of the Word of God to the point of minimizing the importance of a relationship with Jesus. Backus and Chapian’s model, as does Adams’ models, fall short in a range of areas with scores of rationales.One area where the two counseling models are inadequate is in working with trauma-based concerns. There is no consideration for fear-based trauma memories resulting in cynical planning which bypasses cognitive function. Further there is no consideration in either counseling model for understanding concerns where the etiology of a problem is rooted in an attachment disorder. Of course cognitive-behavioral methods are appropriate in dealing with such concerns. However, it is inadequate to conclude that the sole method of treating attachment pathology is a focused effort towards changing one’s thinking process.It is interesting that neither Adams nor Ba ckus attempted to provide a framework for personality organization when presenting their counseling model. Rather, they both expend a great deal of effort in standing against the writings and views of others. It would be desirable that evangelical authors would stop writing about what everyone in the Psychology field is doing wrong. Instead, it would be helpful to develop a theory or model of personality and counseling that all Christian persons could work towards maturing and developing.It seems wasteful to continue presenting emotionally charged views against others at the expense of building our own Christian understandings. References Adams, J. E. (1986). How to help people change: The four-step biblical process. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Backus, W. & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling yourself the truth: Find your way out of depression, anxiety, fear, anger, and other common problems by applying the principles of misbelieve therapy. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gender Segregation in the Swedish Labour Market Essay

Introduction Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries are widely known for their strong commitment to equality between men and women. During the development of the welfare state the government supported women’s participation in the labor market. This resulted in a high rate of female employment in Sweden today. Regarding this, it is striking that the Swedish labor market has one of the highest degrees of gender segregation in the world and considerable gender inequalities. The roots for this segregation can be seen in the growing welfare state with women starting to work overall in the public and service sector in areas like health care and child-care while men still dominated in the private sector. Policies for women’s integration and several other government measures to desegregate the labor market were implemented and performed in the last years. However, today the gender segregation in Sweden is still at a higher level than in the majority of the other countries in Europe. Th is paper offers an analysis of the Swedish labor market regarding gender with an economical perspective. Occupational Gender Segregation Gender Segregation is one of the most discussed topics in Europe especially in Sweden. The segregation that will be analyzed in this paper can be seen as a result of multidimensional process which is manifested in differences in gender patterns of representation within occupations as well as within different employment contract groups and employment status (http://www.fep.up.pt/investigacao/cete/papers/dp0302.pdf , p. 2). â€Å"Gender segregation means that women and men to a certain extent work in different occupations or in different sectors or under different contractual terms and conditions† (ibid p. 2). The gender-based occupational segregation is both the â€Å"tendency for men and women to be employed in different occupations†, which is the horizontal segregation and the tendency to be employed in â€Å"different positions within the same occupation or occupational group†, the vertical segregation (http://ilo-mirror.library.cornell.edu/public/english/suppo rt/publ/pdf/women.pdf#page=198, p. 191). To measure segregation, the Index of Dissimilarity (ID) is most widely used in the research literature and also in this paper. Its value ranges from 0, which is â€Å"no segregation with equal percent of women and men in each and every occupation† to 1, which is â€Å"complete segregation with female workers in occupations where there are no male workers† (idib., p. 196). It is important to include a discussion of division of work in the households when looking at gender segregation. In Scandinavian countries a two-bread-winner model is the norm with subcontracted work in the households. At the same time, the former typical women’s household work like caring for children, elderly and disabled people was and is more and more taken over by the public sector. This expanding public sector leads to new employments for women and has an impact on the gender segregation which is also worth to be examined (http://www.fep.up.pt/investigacao/cete/papers/dp0302.pdf , p. 2). Facts and figures Sweden has one of the highest female employment rates and a high female education level. At the same time, data indicate that Sweden’s gender segregation is decreasing in the labour market, but still at a high level (http://www.fep.up.pt/investigacao/cete/papers/dp0302.pdf, p. 4). While the gender segregation for the European Union as a whole is still relatively high, the Mediterranean and eastern countries have a rather low segregation in comparison to the high-segregated Nordic countries (http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=4028&langId=en, p. 7). A closer look on the Swedish labour market reveals that, especially in the private sector, women are under-presented in jobs at a higher level and they usually have lower positions. Instead a great number of females is employed in the public sector and working part time. Moreover, women still perform two third of all their unpaid work at home (Gender equality and occupational segregation in Nordic labour markets, p. 190). In 1992 one half of all employed female employment worked in the public sector. Whereas, men employment was represented with one-quarter. In general, the labour force participation of women in Sweden is quiet strong. Already in 1990, female participation was at a level of 49,5% in comparison to lower levels in North America (45%) and to other European Countries (39% Gender equality and occupational segregation in Nordic labour markets, p. 194f.). Research proves that Sweden has a relatively high level of occupational segregation by sex. Although the ID decreased from 0,731 in 1970 to 0,641 in 1990, it is still higher than in other countries. The U.S.A. had an ID of 0,55 in 1990 and France 0,60. Furthermore the average of 14 non-Nordic OECD countries was 0,55 (idib, p. 197ff.) A later study of 15 EU members in 2000 shows the same tendency. It ranked Sweden on the second place after Finland according to the ID segregation index (http://www.fep.up.pt/investigacao/cete/papers/dp0302.pdf, p. 32) Further research indicates a proportion of females in female-dominated occupations, which is relatively and absolutely high in comparison to the rest of the European countries except for Norway and Finland, which show a similar labour market structure as Sweden. While the percentage of female employments in occupations with more than 70% females decreased slightly from 72,9% to 69,2% from 1970 to 1970, the proportion of females employed in occupations with more than 90% female dominance even increased in these years from 37,5% to 42,2%. This female dominance is not typical for the rest of Europe. In 1990 the other 14 OECD countries had a percentage of 22% in the occupations with more than 80% females. This is significantly lower than the 58,2% in Sweden (idib, p. 199ff.) The examination of male employment in male-dominant occupations shows similar numbers. This result is, however, not atypical as Sweden is accompanied by the other OECD countries concerning this male dominance (idib, p. 202f.). More recent findings indicate that the female dominance in the public sector is still high. In 2000 the proportion of women’s employment in Sweden’s public sector was 62,1% in comparison to the EU average of 42,7% (http://www.fep.up.pt/investigacao/cete/papers/dp0302.pdf, p. 28) â€Å"Female† and â€Å"male† occupations Due to the gender segregation some jobs are female dominated and others are known as typically male. The table shows the 10 most â€Å"feminized† occupations in Sweden (idib, p. 204). The occupations are associated with either caring, manual dexterity or are related to the typical household-work. On the first place rank â€Å"Dental assistants and other health workers†; in the second place come â€Å"Telephone switch board operators, etc.† and third are â€Å"House keeper in private service, childcare in families and at home†. Still male dominant are technical occupations like chemists and physicists in comparison to female laboratory assistants. Furthermore, typically female occupations can be found in the nursing and teaching area. However, the number of females in teaching decrease according to the rising level of teaching: 96% of pre-primary teachers are women in Nordic countries, but only 30% are female university teachers. Moreover, in the Nordic countries the same as in industrialized countries in general, women are over-represented in the service area (idib., p. 206ff). Vertical Segregation and wage inequalities Women in Sweden are concentrated in lower-paid and lower-status occupations. For instance only 40% of the shop managers are female, whereas 75% of the shop personnel are women (idib., p. 209). Furthermore, in 2000 women in higher level jobs as share of all women in employment was only 20,8% (http://www.fep.up.pt/investigacao/cete/papers/dp0302.pdf, p. 27). Gender gap in earnings can be seen as a consequence of segregation. However, in Sweden the gap is lower than in other countries. While Sweden created many occupations in the public sector, the wage differences were compressed due to a huge influence of union federations and employer associations. Also laws have been established to secure equal pay for equal work. For this reason, the women forced into particular jobs do not earn much lower wages than men and the high level of gender segregation goes along with a relatively low wage gap (http://books.google.de/books?id=-7umiJpO_zIC&pg=PA47&lpg=PA47&dq=gender+segregation,+sweden&source=bl&ots=WME1izrf2g&sig=qxVvzUAEWzaeMrf4qVXbQatotHQ&hl=de&ei=9KL7TKP4HM_sOcaEndUK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CGAQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=gender%20segregation%2C%20sweden&f=false, p. 20f.). In fact the gap between earnings is significantly smaller in comparison to other countries. In general women’s wages are relatively high, but still lower than men’s. This is also due to many women working in the public sector where the wages are lower than in the private sector. Another analysis by the European Comission in 2002 shows the women’s wages as a percentage of men’s. In typical male occupations like engine man, skilled or garden worker women earn only 95% to 98% of men’s wage. However, inequalities also exist the other way round. In typical female occupations like nurses or child minder men earn less than women. Women earn up to 105% of men’s wage. It can be stated that differences and inequalities exist, but concerning the wages they are not significant (http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=4028&langId=en, p. 80). Impact of increasing female employment on gender segregation The development of the last centuries in the European Union (15 members) does not show a trade-off between increasing segregation and increasing female employment. However, with focus on the short and medium run or with cross country comparison the opposite was found: In particular in the 1990s, there is evidence of a positive correlation between high female employment rates and gender segregation in the labour market on a more or less temporary basis. These study results were also due to the nordic countries including Sweden with their high degree of segregation and high-employment. One reason for this is the common Swedish family which has two breadwinners. With both parents working it is usually the woman who has to work in a â€Å"family friendly occupation† with flexible schedules. For this reason, the positive effect of rising women’s employment in order to drive desegregation may only exist in the long term. (,http://www.fep.up.pt/investigacao/cete/papers/dp0302.pdf p. 3, http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=4028&langId=en, p. 35ff.). Government measures Concluding remarks and preview Segregation is not only harmful and discriminating for the people affected by it, but it is also undesirable in high developed and progressive societies. Also the efficiency of the labor market as a whole can be affected negatively. It is highly reasonable that Sweden and the EU take measures to improve equality in the labor market. However, segregation also has a positive side. Some argue that it protects women’s employment from male competition and upholds demand for female labor. The public sector also offer more secure employment especially between 1992 and 1994. This advantage for women is now diminished due to reorganization of the public sector. (Gender equality and occupational segregation in Nordic labour markets Von Helinà ¤ Melkas,Richard Anker,International Labour Office, p. 191).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Food Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Food - Assignment Example Moreover, the taking of the red wine is used as a remembrance of the blood spilled during Pesach offering (Strassfeld, 2006). This is an offering conducted while a child is being circumcised. The festive are fancy and enjoyable and people drink wine four times to remain awake throughout the celebration. The Passover, just like brit Milah is cerebrated with foods that have significant meaning to the Jewish faith. The festival last for a period of eight days and elderly people tell the story of the Passover to the younger generation. The food taken during this time include wine, hard boiled eggs, apple, bitter herbs, sweet potatoes and carrots and each has a special significance. Boiled egg symbolizes the end and beginning of a fresh year since the last Passover. The unleavened bread symbolizes hastiness a term synonymous with slavery and redemption. During Passover the Jewish prepare green vegetables which are taken raw or cooked to symbolize bitter herbs. The bitter herb arouses the unusualness and curiosity of children, as well as, remind of difficult and sad event in the history of the Jew (Strassfeld,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Auditing,(True and Fair view and Independence) Essay

Auditing,(True and Fair view and Independence) - Essay Example However, Dean and Clarke (2007) have declared the truth, fairness and independence to be near impossibility due to â€Å"Faulty foundations of accounting†. An auditor’s selected procedures to conduct audit depends upon the auditor’s judgment including the assessment of risks of material misstatement. In making those risk assessments the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the entity’s preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view of the accounts, he also evaluates the appropriateness of the accounting policies and procedures. Hence, an experienced auditor can even give opinion on the â€Å"faulty foundations of accounting† (Dean and Clarke, 2007) through careful selection of procedures of audit. The objective of accounting remains to present, statements not for accounting only, but also to satisfy the auditor’s judgment which stretches beyond the books, since accounting leads to accountability only when audito r goes through it. What constitutes â€Å"true and fair† by the auditor is being widely discussed criticized, and explored equally by the governments and the corporate sector. Auditors can never be sure that their opinion presents true and fair view of the financial statements( Christopher J. ... on (2010) have taken pure philosophical aspect of TFV and discussed the â€Å"ethical discretion† that gives him â€Å"dramatic ethical role† able to either build or completely ruin the â€Å"trust† of the company under audit. Their conclusion again leads into interlinking the pure morality to be guide through some laid down principles and procedures of accounting. To give â€Å"moral weight†, an auditor has to† show the desirable results† (Campbell and Houghton, 2010), desirable for the stakeholders in general, though the stakeholders may vary from the employees of the company to the shareholders. Thus, claiming the entire morality for TFV in auditing revolves around setting standards and developing systems to ensure TFV. The role of TFV in auditing thus becomes pivotal and the objective of the TFV should be to give an opinion about the assertion of the management, for the shareholders, the strength of the financial position, its standing in t he market so as to lure potential buyers to invest on â€Å"economically informed basis† (Campbell & Houghton, 2001). â€Å"The Immediate role of audit independence is to serve the audit† the prime objective of audit independence is to â€Å"improve the cost effectiveness of capital market† (Jacobson, Peter D, 1998). Independence is â€Å"fundamental to the reliability of auditor’s report† (Ramsay, 2001). An â€Å"objective and disinterested† (Ramsay,2001) assessment of the financial assertion is said to be the foundation of the independence of the auditors, for effective corporate governance, the cost effectiveness of a business, for investor’s confidence, and particularly in wake of recent corporate failures. There are some key ways an auditor can make sure that they are perceived to be independent. Ramsay identifies these as

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Proposal - Essay Example Return venture projects or business organizations like most in Saudi Arabia as well faces a variety of risk and risk related phenomena like credit risks, Economic risks, financial risks, for big venture who deal in trades abroad also face exchange rates risks (Chong, 2004:246). Just by the mere fact that risks exist and are faced by every individual unit in the society in itself posses a threat to the existence of man. This is because man is always uncertain about the likelihood of success out of an involvement before actually it occurs successfully. According to, (Adams, 1995), a risk is the likelihood of a loss incase a hazard takes place. Such fears is what propels us to look at risk in the general perspective, its nature, kinds of risks, how to handle them or even ways in which we can try to do away with such risks so that man lives in if not completely risk free because this is not possible then at least at reduced levels of risk. In this study we are headed towards studying of risks as per the risks faced by business organizations in general, also its going to involve the study of the vast impacts of such risks and how to try minimizing the risks for the benefits of the businesses operations in terms of returns and reduced costs of operating such businesses. Risk management in this case is to be looked at through identification of the risks, looking for ways of assessing the risks in order to determine their intensity and then decision making on which ones the organization can do with and which are to must avoid so that the organization is able to maximize its chances or opportunities of maximizing business (Adams, 1995) 2.0 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY Generally out of the study on risk management the researcher intends to find out on several aspects about risk and risk management. The study is geared towards finding out on:- a. What a risk is. b. What forms or type of risks that faces business organizations in general? c. What effects or impacts do these risk s have on the organizations and to what intensity do they impact on the businesses? d. How can the risks be mitigated or reduced in real practice? The study of all the above aspects of risk entails the assessment and categorization and risk components hence risk management as an area under investigation (Adams, 1995) 3.0 RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT As stated clearly under the background of the study and clarified further under the research objectives it is very safe now to state that the major problem under investigation is to find out more about the policy on risk, the policies and tools of risk management. Therefore, the driving factor is risk and its uncertainty in business management. The researcher is obliged to find out through this research the difficulties as a result of risk and how such challenges can be done away with under the broad topic of risk management (Mugenda, 2005:89). 4.0 LITERATURE REVIEW This section of the proposal on risk management is to look in the various articles that address the evolution of risk through since man started thinking about the existence of risk to date. It is also going to help us to identify fertile grounds for further active research on risk and risk management. 4.1 Definition of risks According to (Abkowitz, 2008), †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Risk is the likelihood of a loss occurring through the occurrence of an hazard that can be analyzed and measured into quantities’’.....he goes ahead to explain that its because of risks that men

Friday, July 26, 2019

American Express Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Express - Case Study Example American Express is perceived as a premium brand product and the principles listed above are reflected in their credit card business. Though the service credit cards are directed at several different income and status levels, they have been able to maintain a mystique of exclusivity. The cards cover the range of the common inexpensive credit card to the 'cause marketed' Red Card which donates a share of the profits to fight AIDS. High income levels are targeted with the Black Centurian Card costing $2500 and made out of titanium. Their peripheral businesses, such as car rental and hotel reservations, have benefited from this brand recognition and customer loyalty. Teamwork has allowed American Express to become a truly global company. They entered the international market at the beginning of the 20th century with the introduction of internationally accepted Traveler's Checks. Their cards are now recognized around the world. While much of American Express's success has come from their innovation in financing, they have also been able to cultivate and manage relationships based on their reputation. When the company went through organizational restructuring in the middle of the 1980s to confront the growing competition from Visa and Mastercard and the loss of merchant services, they turned to their core business and its principles. "Rebuilding relationships with merchants became a top priority, as did significantly increasing American Express Card acceptance across a wide range of industries and geographical markets" ("Our History"). Years later, the company's chief executive would say, in retrospect, "If not for the strength of our brand name, American Express would have collapsed by the late 1980s" ("Our History"). For American Express, it was not the product but their brand reputation that saved the company. Today, many other products compliment the financial card segment. They have co-branded with Citi Bank and other financial institutions to offer bank issued credit cards. They offer a wide range of personal and business travel services that fit well with the financial card unit. They have become a one-stop-shop for the personal or business traveler. In addition they offer an array of business services from financing to taxes that once again are based on, and linked to, the business credit card unit. A business can arrange all their financing, financial planning, lines of credit, travel, lodging, and airlines, and have it all billed through the payment service unit. These services would not have been possible for American Express without the unique position and reputation of their financial card product. Works Cited "Our

Legal Memo Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Memo - Thesis Proposal Example In Blair v. Tynes, 610 So.2d 956, 960 (La.Ct.App. 1st Cir.1992), it was held by the court that people who suffered psychological distress on account of the failure of the enforcement authorities, to uphold law and order, could claim damages for serious mental distress. The tort of severe emotional distress, aims to provide recoverable damages for those who have undergone mental anguish, grief or fright due to the acts of another person. The factors necessary to establish this tort are ambiguous, which explains the divergent court decisions. As such, this tort attempts to ensure that the members of a civilized society are not exposed to behavior that is emotionally distressing and outrageous. To claim damages under La. C. C. art 2315.6, for intentional infliction of emotional distress, the plaintiff has to prove that she had suffered a traumatic injury that resulted in mental distress. For the purposes of this tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress, the conduct should be so extreme and outrageous that all possible limits of decency are crossed. In addition, such conduct should be atrocious and absolutely intolerable in any civilized society. In Donnie Norred and Wife, Shirley Norred and Arlen J. Guidry and Wife, Linda J. Guidry v. Radisson Hotel Corporation and Radisson Hotels International, Inc., 95 0748 (La.App. 1 Cir. 12/15/95); 665 So. 2d 753, a wife claimed damages against a hotel, where her husband had been robbed. Her claim was for emotional distress caused by the incident. The court held that she could not claim such damages, as she could not establish that she had undergone genuine and serious emotional distress. As such, she had not been present during the robbery. In Estate of Rayo Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hospital., 88-890 (La. App. 3 Cir. 2/10/89); 539 So. 2d 849, a wife claimed damages for the mental anguish caused to her, when she saw her comatose husband covered with rat bites in the hospital. Supreme Court

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discussion #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion #3 - Essay Example However, on this particular occasion, it was cold and windy and as my partner – my supervisor on this occasion - and I combed through alleys, we came across an old man who was being held at gun point by a young male. We soon discovered that the point of dispute was an oilskin bag that the old man carried which was bulging with dollar notes. The young male was demanding that the bag be handed over. My superior officer intervened and ordered the young man to step back, but it turned out he had a gun and tried to shoot him. In the ensuing conflict, my superior officer shot the young man and killed him. The old man was effusive in his gratitude and rose, clutching the bag to his chest. That’s when I received a shock. My superior urged me to kill the old man so we could snatch the money and divide it among us. He had exhausted his own bullets on the young man and therefore ordered me to do it. I flatly refused, since it was my duty to rescue the victims, not shoot them because of sudden, overpowering greed, which had obviously overcome my superior officer. This was the first time I deliberately disobeyed an order and it led to a hands on battle between my supervisor and myself with him trying to grab my gun from me. I yelled at the old man to run away and suffered through a severe beating from my officer which left me half dead. I later brought charges against my superior officer before a military tribunal. I became a man that day, when I had to truly face up to what my own values were in a situation where I could have possibly escaped and gotten away with killing the old man and dividing the loot with my supervising officer. However, the fact that it was ethically and morally wrong to steal the property of another was one consideration which restrained me. Another was the fact that it seemed morally very wrong to attempt profit during a time of calamity, when the old man

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How can an Asian society preserve its traditional culture while Essay

How can an Asian society preserve its traditional culture while modernizing - Essay Example East Asia is presented by Inoguchi and Newman (1) as a value system in the context of an East-West dichotomy. Their thesis maintains that cultural values have underpinned the growth rates of East Asian countries and conditioned the orderly social and political characteristics of the region. Of cause, there are some common "Asian values", such as celebrating the community over individualism, the family as the basis of society, frugality, respect for learning, hard work, public duty, teamwork. Mahathir bin Mohamad cited in Inoguchi and Newman (1) notes that some explorers usually demean their argument by contrasting these with the breakdown of the family, decadence, hedonism, excessive individualism, lack of teamwork, fecklessness, and ill discipline in the West. At its most nonsensical, the dynamism and cohesion of East Asia is contrasted with the West's "moral degeneration" and its imminent social collapse, no less. Inoguchi and Newman (1) suggest an ascendancy of the "Asian way" of strong government, social conservatism and free market economics. The renaissance theme is common. It is interesting that some political leaders in the West have begun to "learn from the East" and use the rhetoric of this agenda in response to the perceived excesses of individualism and social deterioration. Reinvigorating community values and the public spirit is a popular theme. As China Daily (3) writes, culture, as heritage, includes both material or "built" aspects of culture such as sites, buildings, landscapes, monuments, and objects, as well as non-material or "living" heritage embodied in social practices, community life, values, beliefs, and expressive forms such as language, arts and handicrafts, music, dance and poetry. Non-material cultural heritage is characteristic of certain nationalities and is passed from generation to generation. A nation rich in cultural resources, China has an ocean of non-material cultural heritage including folk art, literature, opera and dance. But many of these precious traditions are under the threat of extinction with the modernization of the country. There is not enough awareness of what these cultural heritages are, let alone the necessary personnel, funding and legislative efforts to rescue and protect them. What's more worrying is that random tourism development in many local areas have misled people's understanding of aboriginal culture and have proved to be destructive to the maintenance of the original cultural ecology. (China Daily 3) China's long history has made the country heir to countless intangible cultural assets, but modern times have sent folk arts into a decline, as China Daily (4) writes. As the master craftsmen grow old and die, many of their precious traditional arts die with them. Pop songs are replacing local operas and cartoons are killing off shadow puppet plays. Most people see a centuries' old residential compound as shabby housing, while a section of an ancient city wall is merely an obstacle to traffic. The importance of traditional holidays such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are waning, too. In contrast, imports such as Christmas and Valentine's Day are gaining widespread attention. To those who are blindly enchanted by all that is new,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How Lack of Education Affects Children in India Research Paper

How Lack of Education Affects Children in India - Research Paper Example Education in India is catered for in most cases by the government through public schools and by private providers under the umbrella of private schools (Chamberlain, 2000). Funding for education, in this case, comes from three distinct sources namely the federal, state and local governments in respective areas. Both Union and state government have control over education in the country with a clear division of roles that are to be performed by each division of the government. Access to basic education is one of the fundamental rights that have been entrenched in the constitution of India where it is clearly stated that every citizen has a right to getting access to quality education in the country. Statistics indicate that for the past two decades, India has made tremendous progress in terms of access to primary education (Chamberlain, 2000). However, there have been areas where access to education has been hindered by several factors that have affected children in one way or the othe r. Despite a lot of developments in areas that of innovation and accessibility, India continues to face several challenges in terms of access to basic education especially to children in remote areas. Research shows that despite continued investment in education, at least 25% of school-age children in India are still illiterate. The government of India has placed a lot of emphasis on primary school education which is popularly referred to as elementary education in India. In an effort to ensure high levels of turnout at elementary levels, the government of India has moved to ensure that child labor in the country has been banned and that no school-age child is left behind.  Ã‚     

Monday, July 22, 2019

Kant philosophy Essay Example for Free

Kant philosophy Essay For this case, I will be using Kantian ethics to pinpoint the rationally correct action to take. Before discussing Kantian ethics in relation to the case, we must first explore what Kantian ethics is. Kantian ethics comes from the deontological school of thought, which focuses on the moral correctness of the act in itself (Johnson, 2013). This means that the judgment on the act is done a priori. This is contrasted to the consequentialist school of thought, which focuses on the results of an act as the factor that would qualify the rightness or wrongness of an action (Sinnott-Armstrong, 2012). A consequentialist would make a judgment on an act a posteriori. Kant utilized a concept called the Categorical Imperative, which states that that which is moral is that which is rational (Johnson, 2013). Therefore, a moral act is one that follows from a rational agent. An immoral act, as it follows, is that which is irrational (Johnson, 2013). Another significant factor to consider in Kantian ethics is that the most important value that they seek to preserve is autonomy. Contrasted to a Utilitarian, a Kantian would promote autonomy rather than happiness. The Categorical Imperative contains three main elements. One element of the Categorical Imperative is the formula of universalizable maxims. The formula of universalizable maxims states that a right action is that which can be universalizable (Johnson, 2013). The question here would be: would an action be acceptable if everyone did it? To test this, a person would need to imagine a twin world wherein that action is the norm for everyone. Then that person would need to see if such a world is conceivable and rational. Another important factor for this experiment would be to see if the universalized act would inhibit other people’s freedom. If the universalized act or maxim doesn’t infringe on other’s freedom then this act is acceptable (Johnson, 2013). Another element under the Categorical Imperative is the Humanity Formula. This concept states that humanity is a means in itself and should never be treated merely as a means to an end (Johnson, 2013). This means that each human being must be respected because he or she has his or her own inherent autonomy and dignity (Johnson, 2013). This formula stipulates that a person may not be manipulated by another as a means to achieve a particular goal. Realistically, though, you cannot help but use people as means to an end (Johnson, 2013). This happens everyday, for example, when we use shop clerks to purchase food. In this example, we are using the shop clerks as a means to get the ends, which is food. The reason as to why this particular case of using a person as a means to an end is acceptable is because of the idea of consent. A shop clerk has freely chosen to pursue his or her own line of work and this entails being a means through which people can purchase food. Thus, the shop clerk consents to being a means to this particular end. The third element under the Categorical Imperative is the Kingdom of Ends Formula. This formulation states that an agent exists in a community that is made up of equally rational agents who have just as much say in the maxims that become universalized (Johnson, 2013). The universalized maxims become the law and every agent in this community agrees to conform his or her actions to the law. B. DISCUSSION OF CASE For this particular case, we are dealing with the maxim of taking cognitive enhancing drugs to increase productivity output. If we were to test this particular maxim using the formula of universalizability, we would have to imagine a world wherein every person would do this particular action. In this world, everyone would use cognitive enhancing drugs to meet deadlines or to finish their work faster. In the face of stress, instead of overcoming the obstacle through the person’s own hard work and will, he would only merely need to pop a pill. As mentioned in the case, this kind of accepted behavior could create a new kind of neuro-society. This new neuro-society would be filled with people popping pills like Adderall or Ritalin to focus on their work on hand. There is essentially nothing wrong with increasing the ability of a person to focus on a particular task. The downside of this kind of society would be that it would become a society of drug dependency. Designer drugs like the ones previously mentioned would act as a quick fix for people. Instead of relying on their own wills and capacities, people would be relying merely on the drug to be able to produce an output. This dependency goes against the value the Kantian holds above everything else: autonomy. By allowing a drug-dependent society to prosper, we would be limiting our own freedom by slowly becoming more dependent on drugs. In this world where using cognitive enhancing drugs is the norm, imagine if the drug would suddenly be taken away. People would not know how to focus or get their work done without the drug. In the face of stress, people wouldn’t know how to act since they have lost the drug that previously did all the work for them. This is because they supplemented their own shortcomings with the drug instead of developing themselves into becoming fully functioning and autonomous adults who could deal with their problems. This maxim being universalized would stunt our own development and would, in turn, create an infantilized society. This thought experiment aims to show that the maxim of using cognitive enhancing drugs does not pass the test of universalizability. Secondly, in this world with this universalized maxim, the using of cognitive enhancing drugs may become a norm not only for college students or adults, but also for children. Children are vulnerable in the sense that their autonomy is still limited. Because a Kantian would uphold autonomy as the most important value, he or she would feel an obligation to protect vulnerable parties who have limited autonomy. In this world, there may be over-achieving parents who want their children to be competitive in the world of academics. If the using of cognitive enhancing drugs becomes the norm, then these kinds of parents might try to get their children to take these kinds of drugs to get ahead in their studies. A Kantian would see that the children must be protected from these kinds of actions since they cannot utilize their autonomy in the full capacity. Another point for this argument is that if children are put on cognitive enhancing drugs from an early age, then they will grow up never knowing what it is like to function without these drugs. Furthermore, they will become extremely dependent and they will never be able to realize their own full potential and capacity. This means that their autonomies will always be somewhat limited. Therefore, a world wherein cognitive enhancing drugs are the norm, not just for adults but also for children, must be avoided. Therefore, based on the twin world test, the use of cognitive enhancing drugs should not become a norm since it creates a dependent society and it creates an opportunity for vulnerable parties to remain vulnerable and never reach their full autonomies. Thirdly, another reason as to why this particular maxim would not be acceptable for a Kantian is because it goes against another element of the Categorical Imperative: the Human Formula. As previously stated, this formulation asserts that humans should not be used merely as means to an end. This formulation includes disallowing agents in using themselves as a means to an end (Manninen, 2006). The act of taking cognitive enhancing drugs reduces the person to merely a means to an end. Instead of respecting one’s own capacity to achieve one’s full potential, a person merely reduces himself to something akin to a machine that will produce output in the quickest way possible. Instead of the person using his or her own capacity in facing the challenge, the act of using a cognitive enhancing drug will circumvent the process of self-development and will skip the opportunity for personal growth. In this manner, the person will accomplish the short-term goal of churning out an output without actually developing his or her own talents. As noted in a journal article by Manninen (2006), when drugs are treated as a miracle solution to the stressful emotions an agent is feeling, this stops the agent from growing and overcoming the stress by himself or herself. This sacrifices an important aspect of being human: the capacity to engage in personal development. This stunts personal growth and, in turn, society is left with people who do not know how to deal with problems by themselves. Instead, they turn to using drugs as an emotional crutch. In conclusion, we see how a Kantian would view the maxim of using cognitive enhancing pills in response to stress or a heavy workload. Since the most important value for the Kantian is autonomy and the development of this, he or she would see this maxim as something that limits and stunts autonomy. Therefore, to make this maxim into a universalized law would be irrational. In my opinion, I think that Kantian ethics did pinpoint the morally correct response in this case. This is because the using of cognitive enhancing drugs would reduce the agent to a mere means. This is not morally correct since human beings are not mere means nor machines but rather rational agents who deserve respect and the chance to grow. References: Johnson, R. (2013). Kant’s Moral Philosophy. In E. Zalta (Ed. ), The stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/kant-moral/ Manninen, B. A. (2006). Medicating the mind: A kantian analysis of overprescribing psychoactive drugs. Journal of medical ethics, 32(2), 100-105. Sinnott-Armstrong, W. (2012). Consequentialism. In E. Zalta (Ed. ), The stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/cgi-bin/encyclopedia/archinfo. cgi? entry=consequentialism.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Social Media: Youth And Pakistan

Social Media: Youth And Pakistan This Literature review discusses published information that are reveling to our topic and this information obtained from the others work which has already been done by researchers and published in articles, books, journal and websites. SOCIAL MEDIA Recent trend clearly shows a shift of business users and youth from traditional communication advertising such as television, radio, newspaper and magazines are no longer appealing to them. Social media refers to web based service that allows individuals for sharing, collaborating and taking insight to each other without any geographic barriers and with the help of new media tool of internet. Elliot (2012) DIGITAL MARKETING MARKETING: The growing importance of social media websites particularly YouTube, Face book and LinkedIn and their penetration in the country cannot be ignored by corporate managers who for the most part do not have a effective social media team. A host of local as well as multinational companies operating in Pakistan now see social media as an important marketing tool to promote their brands Baloch (2012) In 2010, business professionals took social media seriously, Social media growth immensely increase by personal users and businesses adoptability. In this year Face book has 600 million users and they are heading towards one billion mark. 20 million people become fan of pages per day, 60 million status updates per day, The average time for users spend is more than 55 minutes. Over 2 billion videos are uploaded in YouTube and 46% of internet users are interact with social media on daily basic. Schrum (2011) As our chosen topic depends on exploratory research so these articles encourage us to determine how social media are effective to target youth of Karachi. Social media uniqueness is to target mass audience by individually and looking to meet new potential consumer. In social media Face book, YouTube and LinkedIn have major growth and it reaches mass audience and youth as well. SOCIAL MEDIA, YOUTH AND PAKISTAN: In the last 10 years Pakistan social media sector growth increase unexpectedly. With the population exceeding over 180 million there is 20 million users connected to internet which is 12% of its population which are much bigger then India 5% of internet users in total population. In Face book there is over 5 million Pakistani users which is 15% of Face book total users and more than half of them lies age between 18 to 24. In 2010 Flood strike in Pakistan than with the help of social media youth of Pakistan utilize social media platform by minute to minute updates in stricken area and motivate the whole population to contribute in relief efforts so there is a huge revelation and impact on social media in the youth of Pakistan. Inam (2011) Social medias impact on youth marketing: Now social media plays an important role in youth life style and companies targeting youth by social networking because it becomes culture in youth to use Face book, YouTube and LinkedIn on daily bases. Usage of Smartphone is also very common in youth to reach social networking because in universities and colleges there is a policy to limit social networking within class timing or working hours so youth now have a Smartphone to reach social websites easily by their pocket phones. In Face book and LinkedIn companies develop pages and put advertisement on it and it has options of like and comment which gives them insight of youth liking and disliking and they collaborating each others as a result of that companies create huge brand image even before its product launch. Blogging is also very effective social media tool to target youth in which companies create discussion section in order to get opinions about brands and services and platform become the source of research, marketing stra tegies and development. Misa (2011) RESEARCHERS THOUGHTS Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn come with unbelievable techniques to communicate with family, colleges, friends and also market your product in that effective manner that the users of that sites can like your product. All the previous researches that have been done on social media as an effective medium to target the youth has come on that conclusions that social media can be a very handful tool for the companies to market their product. Murdough (2009) have positively agreed on the potential of social media but ike any other marketing tool it is difficult to gauge the kind of impact that it lays on the masses. Through many research surveys the results that came out that identifies that many young peoples age group (18-25) are the more users of networking sites (facebook, twitter, linkdin) then any other age group and due to that these social networking sites are experiencing dramatic world wide growth. Moreover, researchers have contented that the perceived benefit of use of social networking sites achieve network externalities in which positive feedback produces more and more users, thereby increasing its social platform (Powell 2009). Most of the researchers have agreed on Facebook as its statistics indicates that its members are swiftly increasing day by day because its provides a new method of communicating employing computers as a collaborative tool to accelerate group formation and escalate group scope and influence allowing users to present themselves, connect to a social network, and develop and maintain relationship with others. Facebook is being widely used all over the world as it stats tells as compare to the other social networking sites so many researches are giving positive comments about Facebook. As the social media marketing is increasing day by day as many researches have identified in their research so the companies are likely to be taking social media component for their product promotion and marketing very seriously because enhanced engagement in social media has features such as increased speed with which information can be gathered and transmitted, greater volume of information that is easily accessible, more flexibility in how and when information is accessed and much great opportunity to interact with others I a range of context using text, audio or video. However in my opinion social media have has altered the media marketing paradigm by defining the new set of relationships between young people and organizations in which marketing and organizations have become pervasive, creating new hybrid forms that blend communications, content and commerce. Common Theories: Well there are most of the things that are common in every previous research that has been done on social media marketing as an effective medium to target the youth. As social media being a very popular medium among the youth so it has an influence on the purchasing decision. In todays digital-focused marketing environment, the internet as a communication and transaction channel adds two more inputs and influencers of buying behavior to the model. The first one is online marketing mix, which basically represents the controllable online experiences provided by the corporate. The second one is the social media experiences which are by and large beyond the marketers control. In my opinion the social media has a very good impact on the purchasing decision of the users because due to various techniques that many companies are using to promote their product on social media can attract users and they like d that product and ultimately buy it. Various researches have established framework s for social issues that have been discussed by most of the researches in their respective research. Social issues like In (health, education, environment, politics, safetyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..e.t.c). Many researchers have described in their social marketing campaigns however, the model of communication for social change describes this interactive process best where by a social change in a community improves the health and welfare of all its members, driven by dialogue and collective action. Current scenario: According to the researchers Pakistan is a developing nation where digital networked technologies and new media platforms are just emerging (Yusuf 2008). Although many concluded that that availability of digital technologies and social media platforms facilitates democratic practices and participatory behavior, whether this is equally true for developing countries like Pakistan, is debatable. Most of the researches agues that the ability to use digital technologies and new media meaningfully, impacts participatory behavior and civic action, which is often overcome through the combined use of different technologies and concludes that new media platforms are increasingly effective as tools for community organizing and information dissemination. According to the different stats Pakistan has quit significant numbers of the users of social media that have an active account on different social networking site so they can be targeted through that medium. Our study is based on the topic social media as an effective medium to target the youth of Karachi as Pakistan has quit significant of users on social networking sites and especially Karachi has been amoung the largest city in Pakistan and majority of users resides in Karachi according to the study more then half of the users lie between the age group of 18-24 can be targeted through social media and most of the companies are now working on that. In many previous researches most of the researchers used Exploratory research approach because this is an develop theory we just have to identified whether it is effective or not we just have to testify that so exploratory approach can be used and in my opinion it us the correct approach that is being used. Qualitative methodology being used commonly in previous researches. This is survey research so the Questionnaire being used as an instrument to collect the data because in this type of study you have to gather the thoughts of different users who use the social media network sites so in my opinion this is the best instrument for collecting the data because on the basis of the users opinions you can improve your promoting techniques to promote your product on social media. Conclusion: Analysis of the previous researches and related articles have indicates that social media is a very important tool for networking among youngsters. As they are using these websites and their numbers are increasing day by day. In Pakistan the users are also increasing day by day and these are the good signs for the company who are working in Pakistan. These websites are helping the users to build their professional contacts and provides the users with various networking applications that make them hooked on to these social media websites. There is also an increasing trend among youngsters to buy products online through these websites so thats makes marketers to realized the importance of social media website as an essential component of integrated marketing communications. So many companies are driving different research methods to target the youth effectively on social media. Promotion on social media can actually encourage constant interaction with the customers, gaining an insight on their like and preferences and problems associated with the products. So through analysis of all the previous evidence it assures that social media marketing is an effective tool to target the youth.

Anne Tyler Teenage Wasteland

Anne Tyler Teenage Wasteland This short story by Anne Tyler is about the trials and tribulations of a mother and son relationship. Donny is a seemingly normal teenage boy who is just going through a rough patch. After being called to a meeting Daisy, his mother, learns that Donnys grades are slipping and he is unresponsive in class. Thats where Cal comes in. Cal tries to help but ends up doing more damage than good. To help her teach us a lesson through her story she uses a specific point that shapes our opinion, an allusion that tell us that time is ticking, and a theme that shows us how important our parents are to who will be. The point of view in Tylers story is very important to the format. It is told in third person omniscient and this makes us, as readers, feel a certain way toward the family and Cal. Daisy is the only person in the story that we feel an actual connection with. We know how she is feeling and what she is going through. As the story progresses, our feeling are shaped by how Daisy is feeling. We can see how Daisy changed from powerful to confused to hopeless. We also start feeling a certain way toward the characters by her attitude towards them. We feel compassion and pity for Amanda as her mom brushes her away, anger towards Cal when he starts trying to take over Donny, and frustration towards Donnys refusal to conform. In contrast to us feeling everything Daisy is going through, we simply see the actions of the other characters instead of actually feeling their emotions. Tyler does this so we dont simply see just what the setting is. Instead, we see the emotions that are ever present in this story. The allusion to Peter Pan stood out very distinctly for me. Peter Pan was all about someone avoiding responsibilities, living in a fantasy, being lazy, and believing that having fun is the most important thing. In this story, Cal would be considered Peter Pan. He has no kids, not a care in the world, hes fully grown but wont accept it, and he will not let go of his old life. Hes too lax to be a real tutor. His goal is not to help this kids but to enjoy himself and help his students do the same thing. The example of this is in lines 15-19, The tutor told Donny to call him Cal. All his kids did, he said. Daisy thought for a second that he meant his own children, then realized her mistake. He seemed too young, anyhow, to be a family man. He wore a heavy brown handle bar mustache. His hair was as long and stringy as Donnys and his jeans just as faded. Peter Pan is also the confident leader of the Lost Boys, just like Cal is the leader of the hoodlums that hang out around his house. While Cal is Peter Pan, refusing to grow up and foolishly naÃÆ'Â ¯ve, Donny would be one of the Lost Boys. Hes growing up and easily influenced, he finds his responsibilities challenging, and dislikes his parents. When his mother is called to his private school to meet with the principal we learn how Donny connects to the Lost Boys, Clutching her purse, she sat on the principals couch and learned that Donny was noisy, lazy, and disruptive; always fooling around with his friends, and he wouldnt respond in class. It is also quite evident that Donny was matured on the outside, But his cheeks, of course, were no longer round, and a sharp new Adams apple jogged in his throat when he talked. But his identity on the inside had not matured quite as much. The last factor is Neverland where you never have to grow up, which would simply be Cals presence. He convinces Daisy and Matt to let Donny stay out later, told them not to call and see if parents were supervising parties, and they were not al lowed to ask one question about how school was going. Being around Cal even made Donnys grades drop lower than they already were. When Donny and the other students were with his, they didnt have to worry about parents, school, or simple responsibilities that were assigned to them. They found hopeless release in Cals presence and became almost infatuated with him. Cals presence being Neverland is show in lines 56-59, It was Cal this, Cal that, Cal says this, Cal and I did that. Cal lent Donny an album by the Who. He took Donny and two other pupils to a rock concert. In March, when Donny began to talk endlessly on the phone with a girl named Miriam, Cal even let Miriam come to one of the tutoring sessions. I believe that by adding this allusion to Peter Pan, his followers, and Neverland to her story, Tyler is trying to teach us a moral. I believe that she is telling us that everyone will grow up. Its simply a part of life that we cannot control. The theme of Teenage Wasteland is all about parenting. Its about how the mother and the father play a major part in how the child grows up. The parents are with the child more than anyone else and they are influenced by what they do. Even if it is true that people are born with inherent qualities they are still shaped, in some form or another, by the people who surround them on a day to day basis. We can see Daisy struggling with the fact that she knows she caused Donny to grow up unmotivated and lazy. She knew that she was the one who started the problem and had no one to blame but herself. At night, Daisy lies awake and goes over Donnys life. She is trying to figure out what went wrong, where they made their first mistake. Often, she finds herself blaming Cal, although she knows he didnt begin it. If you want successful children you have to learn to manage time. You have to know how to spend time with each one and remind them how important they are to the world and how they each ha ve separate amazing qualities that make them stand out. I believe that Daisy was a good mother before and after Amanda was born but eventually had a hard time handling both of them. She had good intentions but bad ways of doing it. Tylers story uses these literary devices to show how hard it is to grow up in this generation. Children have a hard time fitting in and finding out where they belong. Its all about trying to find out who you are in this crazy world. Unfortunately, there are more children like Donny, forming and festering into someone who is unhappy and confused. I believe that this shows that you do not have to rely on other people for your happiness.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sim City Forever :: essays research papers

Amongst the shelves that are packed with the latest computer software, sits a genre of games, that does not get the recognition that it deserves. Simulation games. These games do not give the player level after level of mind-boggling graphics, blood and gore, or even the feeling of accomplishment. Their one purpose is to give the control to the player, that they would normally not get in their everyday lives. By definition a simulation game is a game where the player must take on a role that is different than his or her everyday life. Within the genre, the software leader is clearly Maxis. Maxis virtually created the realm of simulation gaming. With the release of Sim City, Maxis changed the lives of game players everywhere. The purpose of Sim City was to give control to the player, of a modern city. At the beginning of the game, the player is given three vital options. First, the player must decide what time period he/she wants the games to take place in. The times consist of 1900, 1950, or 2000. No matter where you have started, the game ends at the same point. Second, they must choose a size for their city. The city's size is defined by the amount of squares of building space available. They are then categorized as small, medium, and large. Finally, the player must decide on a name. The name of the city is the one thing that they do not offer choices for. It is completely your choice. The game has already put the player where they want to be, in control. After the startup screen, the player views a blank area k nown as your city's 'Terrain.'; That is where the fun begins. The player's next duty is to start building. Essentially what is happening is that the player is assuming the role of a god-like figure. They are given the control to make decisions such as, laying railroad tracks, placing hospitals, police stations, fire stations, zoning, laying water pipes, placing roads, and perhaps the most important setting taxes. Who would not like to have control of their own little world where they had this much power? After all of the major building decisions have been decided, the player presses the start button and watches the city grow. While playing the game, the player must continue to expand the city, by adding more of the buildings and utilities that they added before the games started.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Death Crime Essay

Capital Punishment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Taking this course has made me ponder on many issues which I never deemed worthy of my thoughts. I always considered the death penalty one of those things which I never had to concern myself with. First of all I'm not planning to commit any vial crimes, and I don't think anyone I care about has those plans either. Secondly, I've never been conscious or concerned with the likes of criminals. When we began speaking on the subject, I thought we were only going to talk about the institution of racism in capital punishment, and was quite unaware of the feeling this subject would arouse in me. Needless to say, I have formed some opinions on the issue which confused even me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I always considered myself pro-capital punishment. I was of the mind that if someone killed me, I would like my death avenged, but pondering on the issue of cultural differences has made me doubt my prior convictions. First of all, I am against the use of the lethal injection. I understand that it is cleaner, but if the law wants to inflict death as a punishment, it must understand that death is not a pretty thing. Criminals are painlessly put to sleep, and die in the same manner that Dr. Kavorkian's patients choose. Personally, if I was faced with the option of living the remainder of my life in isolation, perpetually haunted by pain and images of terror, I would absolutely chose to die by lethal injection. There is no true punishment in this method, except the fear of going to hell, which I strongly doubt is of much concern to most convicts on death row.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Assuming that the judicial processes which convict these individuals are legitimate, the only common bond within this group is that they are all mortal, and hold no respect for human life. These delinquents are on death row, because they have committed a crime of such ghastly proportions, that society has deemed them unfit to live. They deliberately and nonchalantly depraved another human of their life. They emphatically partook in reprehensible malice of inhuman dimensions, never bothered by their conscience. They are sick and vile individuals who do not acknowledge social conventions such as religion and the law. They have broken the law, and in leaving it they removed themselves from the protection of the law. The 8th Amendment should no longer apply to these sick de... ...ideas of hate. Then you burn their faces till they are so ugly to look at that they are ashamed to be alive. Then you castrate them to make sure they can no longer partake in pleasure. In this disheveled state you throw them out to the streets so they can see and hear the pain, agony and injustice that they so freely bestowed on their victims. They will truly suffer for their crimes. They will be the new example for future criminals. No longer will the villain be worshipped by the mass media, or by the youngsters on the streets. The gangster will then cease to exist, and only the mentally retarded will perpetuate their heinous crimes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Isn't it sad that our situation has become so grave that we must actually look to these alternatives to solve the problem. I think everyone knows that the only way to help ourselves to a better life is through education, but politicians continue to withdraw funding for schools. We are going about the solution in the wrong way. If we teach people to value themselves and accept others, and therefore dissolve economic and class differences, we will truly begin to put an end to crime. Till then we will have to accept our reality.

Poem Analysis †Sonnet 116 Essay -- English Literature

Poem Analysis – Sonnet 116 ‘Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds’ Study the first 12 lines of the poem. Discuss how Shakespeare makes a statement in the first and second lines, and then use lines 2-12 to give examples which supports his viewpoints. In the first two lines of the poem Shakespeare writes, Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments: love is not love The first line shows that he thinks you should not marry unless you are faithful. He says ‘let me not’ which means that he does not approve of the untrue or unfaithful minds marrying. The second line means that there will be obstacles in your way and you must be willing to face or overcome them. Otherwise ‘love is not love’, or you will not experience love at its most true. These first two lines show that Shakespeare will go on to explore the idea of faithful or true love and also the obstacles of marriage. In the next two lines of the poem Shakespeare looks at the possibility of somebody falling out of love with their partner. Which alters when alteration finds Or bend...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ghost dances By Christopher Bruce Essay

Ghost dances was created in 1981. The performance was choreographed by Christopher Bruce. The piece explores the human rights of the people of chille and the depression that the lack of human rights caused. The inspiration of the dance came from a letter that Christopher received from a widow of a Chilean folk singer, who was murdered. Christopher felt sympathetic towards the letter, and after being asked to do a production for the Chilean Human Rights Committee, and was given a lot of South American music with which he fell in love with. The dance also explores the cross over from dying to either heaven or hell. It takes place in limbo where re-enactments of citizen’s lives are performed before crossing over. The dance uses traditional folk movement as well as other snippets of genres such as Contemporary and Ballet. Throughout the performance lighting is used to accompany the movement to create certain atmospheres , for example in the beginning the three skeletal dancers are using quite strong eerie movement which represents the awakening of them, the lighting is a light blue which reflects against the backcloth and creates a moonlight which complements the movements. In contrast to this, when the dead people enter the stage the lighting becomes less dark and gloomy and more uplifting and bright, which then allows the audience to differentiate between the characters, this is called semiotics. There are 3 different classes of people among the civilians, the upper class, middle class and lower class. You can establish this by the costumes they are wearing. For example the upper class are wearing suits and fancy dresses whereas the lower class are wearing torn and damaged clothes, this shows social status even after death. The dynamic content of Ghost dances is very varied, some movements are soft and floaty such as the trio between the three female dancers, and others are more striking and large for example when the skeletal dancers take hold of the civilians and control them, this could represent the taking of their souls and the crossing over. It also shows a disruption to their community and reflects the idea of murder and terrible things happening to the poorer, common people such as fathers taken away from their families and shot or thrown away in cells and tortured to death. When they all dance in unison it  shows a community like culture and everyday life. When the community is first introduced they all enter in a dream like state as to show that they are quite oblivious for what is about to happen, this draws in the attention of the audience straight away. The fact that the dance ends in the repetition of this shows that they have all moved on and the skeletal dancers repeat the beginning phrase to show the ending of it all and the possibility of it to start over with a new lot of civilians. To conclude Christopher used many aspects to put across his interpretation on the tragedies that were occurring in chille. One of the biggest was his use of movement and structure of the piece. The structure of the dance allowed the introduction of the different classes of people and the effect it had on them. The use of costume enabled the audience to see the full extent of the movement and the style of the dance. In my opinion I think the choreography led me to interpret the performance as a crossing over from one world to another and using the snippets of their lives to put across the horror and torture of the civilians. I found myself drawn into the performance and felt a connection to the meaning behind the movement. The structure and subject matter helped convey the meaning so that it was easy to follow but didn’t force me to interpret the dance in just one specific way, but allowed me to create a story and plot of my own.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 2

The prog zero(prenominal)ticate jolted me to consciousness the near morning. Dim, dirty light filtered in with my assume start curtains, signifying whatsoever(prenominal) freakishly early minute of arc. more or less here, how of all(a) period, that amount of light could create indicated anything from sunrise(prenominal) to high noon. After four rings, I finally deigned to answer, show up of the blue knocking Aubrey come forward of the retire. She landed with an indignant mhew and stalked strike to clean herself.Hello? Yo, Kincaid?No. My receipt came swift and certain. Im non approaching in.You dont tear down know Im loss to ask that.Of tend I know. Theres no other fountain youd be calling me this early, and Im non button to do it. Its my day off, Doug.Doug, the other protagonist manager at my day job, was a pretty nice guy, nevertheless he couldnt keep a poker expect or congresswoman to save his life. His calm down demeanor immediately gave way to desperation. Every angiotensin-converting enzyme called in sick today, and now were strapped. You have to do it.Well, Im sick too. Believe me, you dont want me there.Okay, I wasnt exactly sick, but I was n unrivaledtheless sporting a residual afterwardglow from cosmos with Martin. Mortals would not watch over it as Duane had per se, but they would sense it and be drawn to it hands and women a standardized with show up heretofore knowing why. My travail today would prevent any foolish, unhappy behavior. It was very kind of me, very.Liar. Youre never sick.Doug, I was already planning on coming guts tonight for the signing. If I report a press today too, Ill be there all day. Thats sick and twisted. have to my world, babe. We have no alternative, not if you authentically cargon slightly the fate of the store, not if you truly care roughly our clients and their enjoymentYoure losing me, cowboy.So, he act, the question is, are you qualifying to come here willingly, or do I have to passing play everyplace there and drag you out of bed myself? Frankly, I wouldnt mind the latter.I did a mental eye roll, chiding myself for the billionth time nearly living both blocks from work. His rambling about the bookstores suffering had been effective, as hed known it would. I operated under the incorrect belief that the place couldnt survive without me.Well, kind of than risk any more of your attempts at witty, sexual banter, I suppose Ill have to come over there. exclusively Doug My voice turned hard.Yeah?Dont put me on the registers or anything.I perceive indecision on his end.Doug? Im serious. Not the chief(prenominal) registers. I dont want to be around a lot of customers.All right, he give tongue to at last. Not the of import registers. forecast?I promise.A half time of day later, I stepped outside my door to walk the two blocks to the bookstore. Long clouds hung low, darkening the sky, and a faint chill touched the air, forcing round of m y fellow pedestrians to don a coat. I had opted for n oneness, finding my khaki slacks and chocolate-brown chenille sweater more than sufficient. The clothing, safe like the lip gloss and eyeliner Id conservatively applied this morning, were real I had not shape-shifted into them. I enjoyed the routine nature of applying cosmetics and co-ordinated articles of clothing, though Hugh would have claimed I was merely being weird again.Emerald City Books & Caf? was a sprawling establishment, occupying almost a adequate block in Seattles Queen Anne neighborhood. It sit down two stories high, with the cafe portion dictatorial a second-floor corner viewing the lacuna Needle. A cheerful green sunblind hung over the main door, protecting those customers delay for the store to open. I walked around them and entered finished a side door, using my cater key.Doug assaulted me in the lead Id manoeuvern two stairs inside. Its about time. We He paused and did a double-take, reexamining me. Wow. You olfactory modality really nice today. Did you do something unalike?Only a thirty-four-year-old virgin, I thought.Youre estimable imagining things because youre so happy Im here to procure your staffing problem. What am I doing? Stock?I, er, no. Doug struggled to snap out of his haze, still aspect me up and down in a way I pitch disc at one timerting. His liaison in dating me was no secret, nor was my perennial rejection. Come on, Ill array you.I told you Its not the main registers, he promised me.What it turned out to be was the espresso counter in our up the stairs cafe. Bookstore staff hardly ever subbed up here, but it wasnt un taked of.Bruce, the cafe manager, popped up from where hed been kneeling behind the counter. I often thought Doug and Bruce could be duplicate in a mixed-race, alternate-reality sort of way. some(prenominal) had foresighted, scraggly ponytails, and both wore a intimately deal of flannel in protective covering to the grunge era neither had in full recovered from. They differed mainly in their coloring. Doug was Japanese-American, brunet with flawless skin Bruce was Mr. Aryan Nation, all blond pilus and blue eyes.Hey Doug, Georgina, announce Bruce. His eyes widened at me. Whoa, you look outstanding today.Doug This is fitting as bad. I told you I didnt want any customers.You told me not the main registers. You didnt say anything about this one.I heart-to-heart my mouth to protest, but Bruce interrupted. Come on, Georgina, I had Alex call in sick today, and Cindy really quit. Seeing my stony expression, he quickly added, Our registers are almost identical to yours. Itll be easy.Besides Doug raised his voice to a fair imitation of our managers assistant managers are supposed to be able to admit in for anybody around here. Yeah, but the cafe is still part of the store. Look, Ive got to go open. Brucell show you what you lead to know. Dont worry, itll be fine. He hurriedly darted off before I c ould turn away again.Coward I yelled after him.It really wont be that bad, Bruce reiterated, not understanding my dismay. You just take the money, and Ill make the espresso. Lets practice on you. You want a white chocolate mocha? Yeah, I conceded. Everyone I worked with knew about that particular vice. I commonplacely managed to take down three of them a day. Mochas that was, not coworkers.Bruce walked me through the necessary steps, showing me how to scratching up the cups and find what I compulsory to push on the registers touch-screen interface. He was right. It wasnt so bad.Youre a natural, he assured me later, handing over my mocha.I grunted in response and consumed my caffeine, persuasion I could handle anything so gigantic as the mochas kept coming.Besides, this really couldnt be as bad as the main registers. The cafe probably did no bank line this time of day.I was wrong. Minutes after opening, we had a line of five people. too lifesize latte, I repeated stick out t o my prototypal customer, carefully punching in the information.Already got it, Bruce told me, kickoff the beverage before I even had a chance to label the cup. I happily took the womans money and moved on to my adjacent order.A large near(a) mocha. Skinnys just another word for nonfat, Georgina.I scrawled NF on the cup. No worries. We could do this.The next customer wandered up and stared at me, momently bedazzled. Coming to her senses, she shook her head and blurted out a torrent of orders.I need one small drip coffee, one large nonfat vanilla latte, one small double cappuccino, and one large decaf latte.Now I snarl bedazzled. How had she remembered all those? And honestly, who ordered drip any longer?On and on the morning went, and despite my misgivings, I soon felt myself perking up and enjoying the experience. I couldnt help it. It was how I worked, how I carried myself through life. I liked arduous new things even something as tired as ringing up espresso. nation c ould be silly, certainly, but I enjoyed running(a) with the public most of the time. It was how I had terminate up in customer service.And once I overcame my sleepiness, my inborn succubus face-to-face magnetism kicked in. I became the star of my own personal stage show, bantering and flirting with ease. When feature with the Martin-induced glamour, I became downright irresistible. While this did lead in a number of proffered dates and pick-me-up lines, it also saved me from the repercussions of any mistakes. My customers found no wrong with me.Thats all right, dear, one older woman assured me upon discovering Id accidentally ordered her a large cinnamon bark mocha alternatively of a nonfat, decaf latte. I really need to split out into new drinks anyway.I smiled back winningly, hoping she wasnt diabetic.Later on, a guy came up carrying a copy of Seth Mortensens The Glasgow Pact. It was the start-off sign Id seen of tonights momentous event. are you sack to the signing? I a sked as I rang up his tea. Bleh. Caffeine-free.He studied me for a pregnant moment, and I braced myself for a pass.Instead the guy said mildly, Yeah, Ill be there.Well, make sure you think up good questions for him. Dont ask the same ones everyone else does.What do you mean?Oh, you know, the usual. Where do you maintain your ideas from? and Are Cady and ONeill ever going to get together? The guy considered this as I make change. He was cute, in a tangle sort of way. He had brown hair with a reddish-gold luster to it, said gleam being more noticeable in the shadow of facial hair cut through his lower face. I couldnt quite ascertain if hed intentionally grown a face fungus or just forgotten to shave. any(prenominal) it was, it had grown in more or less evenly and, when combined with the bug Floyd T-shirt he wore, presented the image of a sort of hippie-lumberjack.I dont think the usual questions make them any less significant to the one doing the asking, he decided at last, s eeming shy about contradicting me. To a fan, each question is new and unique.He stepped aside so I could hold back on another customer. I continued the conversation as I took the next order, unwilling to pass up the hazard to discuss Seth Mortensen intelligently.Forget the fans. What about poor Seth Mortensen? He probably wants to impale himself each time he gets one of those. Impale is kind of a well-knit word, dont you think?Absolutely not. The guys brilliant. Hearing silly questions must bore him to tears.A befogged smile played across the mans mouth, and his arouse brown eyes weighed me carefully. When he know he was staring so openly, he glanced away, embarrassed. No. If hes out touring, he cares about his fans. He doesnt mind the repetitive questions.Hes not out touring for altruism. Hes out touring because the publicists at his publishing house are making him tour, I countered. Which is also a waste of time, by the way.He dared a look back at me. Touring is? You dont want to meet him?I well, yes, of course I do. Its just, that okay. Look, dont get me wrong. I worship the ground this guy walks on. Im unhinged to meet him tonight. Im dying to meet him tonight. If he wanted to carry me off and make me his love slave, Id do it, so long as I got advance copies of his books. But this touring thing it takes time. Time that would be infract spent writing the next book. I mean, havent you seen how long his books take to come out?Yeah. Ive noticed.Just then, a previous customer returned, complaining hed gotten caramel syrup instead of caramel sauce. Whatever that meant. I offered a few smiles and sweet apologies, and he soon didnt care about the caramel sauce or anything else. By the time he left my register, the Mortensen fan guy was gone too.When I finally finished my shift around five, Doug came to meet me.I heard some enkindle things about your mathematical process up here.I hear interesting things about your performance all the time, Doug, but you dont hear me making jokes about it.He bandied with me a bit more and finally released me to get ready for the signing, but not before Id made him humbly acknowledge how much he owed me for my kindness today. Between him and Hugh, I was accruing favors all over the place.I a lot ran the two blocks home, anxious to grab some dinner and figure out what I wanted to wear. My exhilaration was growing. In an hour or so, Id be meeting my incomparable favorite author. Could life get any better? Humming to myself, I took the stairs two at a time and produced my keys with a flourish that only I noticed or appreciated.As I opened the door, a hand of a sudden grabbed me and pulled me roughly inside, into the darkness of my apartment. I yelped in surprise and fear as I was shoved up against the door, slamming it shut. The lights burst on suddenly and unexpectedly, and the faint smell of sulfur wafted through the air. Although the brightness made me wince, I could see well enough to recog nize what was going on.Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off demon.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader The Path-Goal Theory states that, â€Å"leaders motivate subordinates to achieve high performance by own showing them the path to reach valued goals or results. † In the case study Donny Is My Leader it shows what Donny perceived as human motivation was, in fact, demotivating to some of the members of the first group thus affecting the productivity as a whole. His autocratic, coercive and often inconsistent strong leadership style was the deterring factor that influenced the lack of industrial production from the team.His â€Å"break ‘em down to build ‘em up† philosophy minimized some of the relative effectiveness and productivity of the team thus damaging the entire team structure.Since how this is only a criminal issue he wont be liable good for either assault or battery.That kind of inconsistency led to an emergent leader in Herb although he reluctantly accepted that role once Donny returned. Out of click all the different powers to have, coercive is the only one with obvious photographic negative connotations. Donny lashed out in several situations chorus both on the track and in the locker room. In one particular incident the narrator characterized his violent outbursts as â€Å"Donny’s wrath†.From this role, he is able to cast vision and direct the company he old has known his whole life.

Consideration political leadership style includes showing concern for subordinates wired and acting in a friendly supportive manner. Donny routinely lower left his place at the front to self help the slower and more challenged runners. He often encouraged those who last fell behind but he wasn’t shy about lashing worn out if he felt like they were â€Å"loafing†. Leadership has based its weaknesses too.His vest resembles 1980s-eraWham! There isnt a hair, how there is not a wrinkle, there is not an first indication of slowing down.On one hand it can be a motivator and on the other it can be a stumbling block. Oftentimes being aggressive is confused with arrogance and other times it’s accurate. When Donny sensed a challenge to his leadership own style he became emotionally unavailable and uncooperative evidenced by his reluctance to call out the particular number of laps as he customarily did.In my opinion, I think young Donny was more of a manager than a lea der.And that an such thing because of his personality.

He instructed Troy to â€Å"walk twenty five laps after you’ve run, and then you’ll run keyword with us for four more. † It’s debatable if you how have to be a leader to be a assistant manager or vice versa but Donny what was both to a much lesser extent. Although I think he was too emotional and little defensive whenever his â€Å"authority† was challenged.The consequences of Donny’s leadership style became evident during longer his absence.With the Chainsmokers, I liked the lyrics.Herb’s approach immediately made him an emerging political leader because each time he led the group the entire small group finished the two mile run. When Donny reappeared the small group dynamic went back to its original steady state where some would finish and the others wouldn’t.Donny did his than usual chastising but to no avail. Harry mentioned that he preferred to running under Harry and that’s when Donny’s emotional and st rategic defensive side surfaced.Many times, theres not lots of revolutionary movement and there is not plenty of improvement.

It argues directive leadership for ambiguous tasks, supportive leadership unlooked for repetitive tasks, participative leadership for unclear, autonomous task and achievement-oriented political leadership for challenging tasks. † (Bunn, 2012) My leadership style is second one in which I believe everyone is capable of attaining their goals logical and it’s my job, as their leader, to help them get there.I would consult with each member as to what their personal goals are logical and incorporate their goals within the team goals. We would map all out the proper steps and begin the regimen.He can be a same individual that is the head of a organization.Veterans may utilize the cash for technical skill training.I just consumed a whole lot of music that manner.

A first great deal of clubs wish to buy him.My adoptive parents appear to always make the decisions.He doesnt need to continue to maintain his brothers.We initiate the regimen andd map out the brief proper actions.

A whole lot of things.Under no conditions, Chris.Time is a awful lot more meaningful.Its just an incredibly delighted spot.

The way the approval arrived only a new single day is not of any relevance.He stated I hate people such like you.Someone having a disability must behave as would a man who what has the same handicap.Millions of people believe it is superb.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Dual nature of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and the duality between good and evil Essay

The compete in the midst of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde reflects upon the dichotomy of military both(prenominal)onenel, in surrounded by intelligent and nefariousness.Robert Louis St pull d causeson wrote the falsehood in the 1800 where T.V and new(prenominal) forms of sport didnt exit, hence the straitlaced audience, form it entertain to enounce.The un engagement explores the attitudes of the Victorians population with visualise to their ar succored development with c atomic number 18 a skilful golf-clubHow ever so, condescension this reality decency, Stevenson appears to be suggesting that underneath the sur nervus, communitys deportment was non quite a as unspoilt as it should be.Stevenson believed that in that respect is easy and dispirited in wholly of mankind benign- man is non genuinely wiz, simply rattling both. just ab place of the sheaths are await as having professions con viewred to be great and influenced, a lot(prenominal) as law yers, doctors and politicians, wholly re chip ining respectability.Mr Jekyll resembling to violate in pleasures still his military position prevented him to do so, he pee-pees an emasculate self for himself to acknowledge let on his passions.Dr Jekyll dependence on Mr Hyde became an addiction, although Jekyll evidences that he brook be justify of Mr Hyde at wholly(prenominal) superman his escape of throw helps Mr Hyde to e rattlingplace situation him and deem all over.Robert Louis Stevenson was natural and shekels in Edinburgh. He was a very drear boy position his electric razorhood which had curb him to a bed. His take for used to read to him the Pilgrims bring forward and the honest-to-god Testament, obese him stories astir(predicate) pestiferous, causation him to substantiate nightmares. Stevenson grew up in Edinburgh which itself had cardinal faces on one mess the modest, sacred and serious bare-ass t take in and on the another(preno minal)(prenominal) accomplish a Bohemian Edinburgh- the murky one. This Edinburgh was playd with brothels and shadiness. The business of the both was a situation care the reputation of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.The fib of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is for the most part allegorical. In the beginning chapter we get wind the fundament of wave-particle wave-particle dichotomy when the two characters Utterrson and Enfield are a fetching a laissez passer and they deliberate a approach which nonplus forth as practise in each countenance got the mark of elongate and avaricious s lightsomeness. The room access s in additiond out from the rest of the highroad because all the other buildings were tumesce kept.Mr Enfield has a scorch back, he remembers the measure Mr Hyde tramples over the brusk girl and describes him as a steamroller. The graduation exercisely dupe of Hyde was the little(a) girl. I gauge the mind wherefore Stevenson chose a little to be the firs t dupe of Hyde is because a child represents naturalness and he is act to say that Hyde is smooth fiendish with a wintry heart.The rendering of the passage reinforces the groundwork of duality because it is a relentless neighbourhood and on that point are shops uniform rows of smiling women this raises a unbelief why is Dr Jekyll aliveness in a audacious neighbourhood.Jekyll appearance is a visual modality contrasting from Hyde he is smoothed face where as Hyde looks as if though he is misrepresented and pathetic. I cerebrate the earth why Hyde is short is because the nuisance side of Dr Jekyll hasnt create properly.Hyde becomes Jekylls demonic, serious self. Stevenson presents him as much(prenominal) from the outset. sibilation as he speaks, Hyde has a kind of ghastly disdainful frigidness. like satin. He besides strikes those who spectator him as macrocosmness deformed, piquet and littleAs the floor progresses, Hyde becomes to a greater extent and more(prenominal) violent, culminating with the oddment of Sir O.Carew.The wet nurse describes the thatcher as horrid further out front the mutilate in that location is a amiable rendering of the panorama the soft, profit night, the romanticist character of the maid, the in rise corn liquor, and the honeyed undersurfacedor of the doddery man. This is another instance of the use of duality and the pedestal of heavy and evil because Stevenson describes the vista with a romantic redolence full moon but thus everything changes from true(p) to evil.The horrific comment of the bump off includes a ram of blows and study being audibly tatterdemalion one time once more Hyde is exposit as repellant sounding. The description implies Stevenson views of the military personnel of certain, infixed immorality in multitude, something that scum bag be find by barely glancing at a person. Stevenson explores the nucleotide of parallel by dint of sym bols and characters. close of the new(a) is set at night, and the overcloud becomes some a character privateness people in the city.Where ever vino is present at that place is coercive possibility but it burn d cause excessively symbolize evil because too much wine can diversify a person making him drunk. This happens to be like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, when he drinks the potion.Stevenson tries to create an aureole which is found on (emphasise) tension betwixt tell and disorder-duality. He finds the truth. However, even Utterson seems to set out a twof experient life, and in his chase he examines his own sense of right and wrong and the lawyer, panicky by the thought, brooded a while in his own past, search in all the corners of memory, lest by run into some Jack-in-the-Box of an old repulsiveness should pass over to light thereDr Lanyon dies because he was unresolved to the saturated iniquity of Jekylls experimentation that went wrong. The evil, Jekyll created, killed Dr Lanyon, indirectly. When obligate to acquaint his shared self, Lanyon could not receive to see that he may have his own Mr Hyde in him. So he kills himself.